Otto WarburgOtto Warburg, a brilliant German biochemist, won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for discovering that ALL CANCER TUMORS respired anaerobically, even in the presence of excess oxygen. “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - A rule without exception!” Dr. Otto Warburg. Otto is frequently credited with discovering the cause of cancer - he did not (it was not published if he did) - he discovered the most important characteristic of cancer - anaerobic respiration! That anaerobic respiration of all tumors is, “A rule without exception” has been repeatedly proven since Otto’s passing. Dr. Tom Seyfried, of Boston College and Dr. Pete Pederson of Johns Hopkins University have both reaffirmed Otto’s statement.There is NO cancer tumor that does not respire anaerobically! All cancer tumors appear instantaneously respiring anaerobically! There has never been a cancer tumor discovered that bent this rule! Some Interesting Things About CancerAll cancers have their own ‘skin’’, a clearly defined perimeter. Nobody has ever found a ‘heart’ cell that has suddenly gone rogue and become cancerous! Nobody has ever found a lung cell that has turned cancerous! All cancers exist outside the bounds of human tissue. While admittedly they are within our physical bodies and are parasites, they are absolutely independent entities, very much like many other parasites which afflict mammals. This is why they are called ‘cancer tumors’ this term clearly implies something identifiable within our body - NOT a part of our body that has become cancerous! NEVER HAPPENS. What part of this dog is this tumor? The proper response would be ‘NO PART’ The tumor is an invading species, with its own survival system. YES it is a parasite, consuming the resources and it is living to the detriment of the dog!!! It will eventually kill the dog! And, then the tumor will continue to grow and consume the entire dog’s dead body. Let’s look at some eternally overlooked but obvious analogies. These are healthy human fingers and fingernails. They respire aerobically (USE OXYGEN) This is a tongue with Thrush, a fungus. The thrush respires anaerobically, (NO OXYGEN) These are healthy human hands. They respire aerobically! This is a hand with the fungus which causes ringworm. The ringworm respires anaerobically! (NO OXYGEN) What part of this dog does this tumor belong to? The correct response would be NONE! The tumor is an interloper! Germ Theory of DiseaseRobert Koch and Louis Pasteur were both proponents of the “Germ Theory” of disease. Koch went on to develop “Koch’s Postulate”, the gold standard for concluding scientifically that a disease was caused by one particular bacteria or virus. In short: One disease is caused by one pathogen. Looking at some examples. Common Cold -- Rhinoviruses? Mumps -- paramyxovirus African sleeping sickness -- Trypanasoma Gambiense Cancer -- Your body is trying to kill you. Polio -- Poliovirus MERS -- Coronavirus Glanders disease -- Bacterium Burkholderia mallei Tuberculosis -- bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cancer -- Random genetic mutation. Yellow Fever -- Yellow Fever Virus Cancer -- Complex group of diseases with MANY possible causes. Why does nobody say WHAT CAUSES CANCER? So - What Does Cause Cancer?According to the Mayo Clinic, cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancerous. Don’t forget Dr. Warburg - “All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception.” Dr. Otto Warburg. The fallacy here, that can be seen by any reasonably intelligent fifth grader is this: Take a sample of 100 people who come down with cancer, each individual has supposedly experienced thousands of random genetic mutations, and when the cancer appears, EVERY, cancer cell respires anaerobically! Preposterous! And now, even mainstream medicine is admitting the ‘random genetic mutation’ theory is garbage. After supporting it for over 50 years! This leads me to believe that there is likely a common cause of cancer. Clearly the ‘random genetic mutation’ in my opinion cannot hold water. If someone were to say to me, HEY! It looks like it might be of fungal origin, my response would be “maybe.” Here is a very interesting link to Dr Thomas Seyfried, professor of genetics and cellular biology at Boston College. It is a little long but watch it to the end to see the frustration with the ‘cancer industry’. Dr Thomas Seyfried The Power of FungusMost people know the power of fungus to take over insects of one sort or an- other but few know the incredible genetic engineering fungus is capable of! Catchfly plants are any of several plants of the genera Silene and Lychnis, native chiefly to the northern hemisphere and having white, pink, red or purplish flowers and sticky stems and calyxes on which small insects may become stuck. When infected with fungus, the plant’s DNA is mixed with fungal DNA then the fungus takes control of the plant. After which instead of the stamen producing pollen, they begin to produce fungal spores! This is only the beginning! If the fungus encounters a female catchfly plant which of course does not produce pollen, because it has no stamen, the fungus will first perform a sex-change operation on the female catchfly plants, causing them to abort their ovaries and develop stamens - male sex organs that normally produce pollen. Then, whatever the original gender of its host was, U. violacea secretly transforms stamen into spore factories. Dusted with spores instead of pollen, insects lured to the early, long-lasting blossoms unwittingly spread the fungal spores to the next cluster of catchfly they visit. One particular type of fungus, Necrotrophic, infects a host, allows the host to live for a while then kills it gradually, after which it consumes the deceased host! This, I believe, is exactly the mechanism of cancer! The cancer ‘tumors’ are actually Trojan Horses created by the fungus and intended to kill us over time. After our demise, the fungus will enjoy a nice ‘turkey dinner’, at our expense. Fungal Infection Mistaken for Cancer?Written by Kyle Drew As far back as the 1950’s, young medical students at Johns Hopkins Medical School were trained to think “fungus” every time a solid cancer tumor was discovered in a patient. In fact, they were encouraged to think “fungus” may be the cause of virtually any serious illness. That’s because one of their textbooks taught them to do so. It was called “Fungous Diseases Of Man”, written by J Walter Wilson, M.D. The textbook shows example after example of patients who were (mis)diagnosed with cancer, but had massive fungal infections that merely looked like cancer. Cancer that Wasn’t Cancer Page 11 – A warning that the fungal infection called Coccidiomycosis ap- pears to be a “metastatic (spreading) malignancy” on X-rays. Page 113 – A warning that the fungal infection called Cutaneous Blastomycosis looks like “bronchogenic carcinoma”, or lung cancer. That same fungal infection is often “frequently mistaken for squamous cell carcinoma”, or skin cancer, when it shows up on the skin. Page 153 – The fungal infection called Histoplasmosis mimics cancers such as leukemia, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, lymphosarcoma, and sarcoidosis. Page 175 – Documents times when surgeons removed “tumors” from patients that actually weren’t tumors at all! The diagnosis of cancer was wrong. They were actually Cryptococcosis, a fungal infection that looks like cancerous tumors. It goes on and on. “Almost Any Disease” Could Actually Be A Fungal Infection. For those of us who have been mentored by Doug Kaufmann and have seen first-hand how often people respond to an antifungal approach to their health issues, the following opening line of this medical textbook is quite believable. “Fungus infections in man are capable of causing so wide a variety of clinical pictures that it is always wise to include them in the differential diagnosis of almost any disease…” The Ketogenic DietThe ketogenic diet has been shown to combat cancer in a very substantial manner. Few (for fear of retribution) will declare it cures cancer but there are those in a position to speak freely. CBN program Why does the ketogenic diet work? The ketogenic diet is a powerful ‘antifungal’ diet! When in ketosis, a body produces ‘ketones’ for fuel and reduces sugar and carbs (what fungus loves) to an absolute minimum. Under these conditions, any and all fungi in the body are put under grave stress and begin to die off. In my opinion, a LOT of beneficial effects are enjoyed by folks on a keto diet. One of the most important is elimination of seizures in children! Perhaps the seizure is caused by a fungus? Other benefits include improvement in LDL HDL levels, moderation of ‘metabolic syndrome’ and the Keto diet reduces hunger. It has been shown that candida in our microbiome is capable of excreting chemicals which elicit our hunger for sugar and carbs! Ketogenic diet = antifungal diet - I hear NOBODY talking about this. There is a video about the benefits of the keto diet called “The Magic Pill” It is quite good and the medical associations in America, Canada and Australia are doing their best to get it banned! WHY? It was pulled from Netflix for a while and was put back in place, but now apparently has been pulled a second time and is gone for good. If cancer is indeed nothing more than a fungal infection, then an antifungal should cure the disease! The next couple pages are screen captures of Google searches using “antifungal cures cancer” as the search term. Sorry, the text did not translate well! AnrnungaI arug K111s aormam coiorec1aI cancer ce11s https://111/ww_medic alnewsto day.comlartic tes/322009.php Anonymous View Jun 3, 2018 Though various treatments are available for it, certain tumor cells are therapy-resistant. Now, research suggests that an antifungal drug may be effective. Anti-fungal drug shows promise as potential new cancer treatment ... https://111/ww. science 50415125616.htm Anonymous View Apr 15, 2015 ltraconazole is a drug used to treat a broad range of fungal infections, as antifungals and painkillers may represent the future of cancer drug _ Cancer Patients and Fungal Infectons - CDC https://111/ r-patients.html Anonymous View Cancer Patients and Fungal Infect ions . One major change is that these treatments weaken your immune system , which can increase Antifungal medication. Antifungal Drug Delays Need for Chemo in Advanced Prostate Cancer https://111/,dmg_ Anonymous View delays_need_for_,chemo_in_advanc,ed_prostate_,c ance r Jun 2, 2011 _ The oral antifungal drug itraconazole, mo st common ly used to treat nail fungus, may kee p p rostate cancer from wor sening and delay the need _ Well-known antifungal drug shows promise against cancer ... https://111/ww_oncologynll clusivies/ Anonymous View well-known- antifllngal..drng-slilows-promise-against...cance r/ Sep 11, 2012 Thiabend azole , an antifungal in clinica l use for 40 years, inhi bits angiogenesis , slows gr owth, and reduces vascular dens ity of tu mors . Antifungal treatment in patients with cancer. - NCBI https://111/ww_ncbi.n[ Anonymous View J Intern Med Suppl. 1 997;740: 89-94. Antifungal treat ment in patients with cancer. Viscoli G(1), Cast agnola E, Machetti M. Author inform ation : (1)Universit y of _ Antifungal management in cancer patients. - NCBI https://111/ww. ncbi.n[ Anonymous View Antifungal managem ent in cancer patients . Staber P (1 ) ( 1 ) Division of Hem atolo gy, Department of Internal Medicin e, Medical Universit y of Graz, Graz, Austria. Anti-fungal drug shows promise as potential new cancer ... - ecancer https://ecance nti-fllngal-drng-shows-promise-as-p Anonymous View o1ential-new..cance r-tfieatment Apr 16, 2015 use in treating cancer, according to research from the Repurpo sing Drug. But these repurpos ed anticancer drugs such as antifungals and _ antifungal c u re s cancer 1 ne proressor wno ·curea- rns cancer wnn a cocKta11 or everyaay p111s ... nttps : /twww.te1eg r apn .c o .u K/lifestyle/wellt>ein g /nea 1tna d vic e /11 424 7 4 7IT An onymous View ne -pro fesso r-wno -cured-nis-cancer-witn -a-cocl<tail -of -eve ry d ay -p ill s -an d - 2 0 - yea r s -on -r ema ins -disease - fr ee .ntm l F eb 23, 2015 ... Ben Williams' aggressvie brain tumour was treated with conventional therapies - and with a mix of common drugs, including those for acne, ... Antifungal Drug May Treat Common Skin Cance,r Study Finds nttps : /twww.n t>cne w s. c om/nea 1tn / c an c e r/ antifun g a1- d r u g -may - tr eat - c omm An o n ym o us Vie w on - sKin-can cer-study-finds-n2 1196 Feb 3, 2014 ... A cheap antifungal pill that's already on the market may help treat a very common type of skin cancer. Antifungal Drug Could Become AnticancerDrug - Cancer Therapy ... nttps: /twww.cancertne rapya /cancer-topics/gene ral-onco An onymous View log y/antifun gal-drug-could-t>ec ome - anti c an c e r - d r u g / Aug 24, 2012 ... Antifungal Drug Could Become Anticancer Drug ... be used to identify small moleculesthat could target tumors as angiogenesis inhibitors.... Enhertu Approved to Treat HER2-Positi ve Breast Cancer Following 2 or MorePrior ... Preventative use of antifungal drugs in patients treated for cancer ... nttps: //academic.oup .com/jac/article/53/2/130/850679 Anonymous View Feb 1, 2004 ... Prophylactic use of antifungal compoundshas more or less become label of evidence-basedmedicineto what already had become common ... Safety of triazole antifungal drugs in patients with cancer I Journal of ... nttps: // Anonymous View Dec 24, 2009........... Triazole drugs are widely used in cancer patientsfor prophylaxis and treatment of ... clinical demandfor newer and safer antifungal drugs.1 New triazoles.... class of tyrosinekinase inhibitors employed to treat chronic myeloid... Cheap antifungal drug may fight cancer: study - Reuters nttps : /twww.reute -cancer-antifun gal/cneap -antifun gal-dr An onymous View ug-may -fignt -cancer-stu dy-idUSTRE 63B64L2 0100 412 Apr 12, 2010 ... A common antifungal drug can slow tumors growing in mice and should ... Janssen Pharmaceutica, mostly for treating a fungal infection called ... Antifungal Activities of Antineoplastic Agents:Saccharomyces ... nttps : //cmr.asm .org/conten t/1 2/4 /583 An onymous View The problems in treating viral and fungal infections are in many ways similar to those faced in developing treatmentsfor cancer. Moreover, the growing problem ... -antifungal/ cheap-antifungal-drug-may-fight-canc er-study-idUSTR6E3864L20100412 September 11, 2012 Well-known antifungal drug shows promise against cancer .Thiabendazole, an antifungal agent in clinical use for 40 years, has recently been shown to inhibit angiogenesis and disassemble newly established blood vessel, and to slow tumor growth and reduce vascular density in preclinical fibrosarcoma tumors. In mouse studies, thiabendazole reduced blood vessel growth in fibrosarcoma tumors by more than half. As cancers of the connective tissue, fibrosarcomas are generally heavily vascularized with blood vessels, according to a statement from The University of Texas (UT) at Austin, where Edward M. Marcotte and other authors of the PLOS Biology report work as scientists. Marcotte and colleagues focused on certain genes that they previously discovered were present in both yeasts and in vertebrates. In yeasts, which have no blood vessels, the genes are responsible for responding to various stresses to the cells. In vertebrates, the genes regulate vein and artery growth. “We reasoned that by analyzing this particular set of genes, we might be able to identify drugs that target the yeast pathway that also act as angiogenesis inhibitors suitable for chemotherapy,” explained Marcotte in the UT statement. The group found that thiabendazole inhibited the action of those yeast genes. Further research involv- ing frog embryos that were grown in water with the drug revealed that the embryos either didn’t grow blood vessels, or grew blood vessels that thiabendazole dissolved. Once thiabendazole was removed from the water, the embryos’ blood vessels grew back. When the testing moved on to human blood vessel cells, the antifungal was seen to inhibit the growth of these cells. Finally, in the mouse model of fibrosarcoma tumors, thiabendazole reduced blood ves- sel growth in the tumor and slowed tumor growth. Marcotte’s team now plans to test thiabendazole in clinical trials with humans. “Because new agents that target the vasculature would increase our arsenal for battling cancers resistant to current thera- pies, there is a clear clinical need for novel approaches to their identification,” wrote the investigators, noting that with thiabendazole already FDA-approved for the treatment of certain infections in hu- mans, the drug is an excellent candidate for rapid translation to the clinic. Ergonom 500 MicroscopeErgonom 500 Microscope Click this link followed by clicking on “Symbiosis or Parasitism” This microscope developed by Greyfield Optical is one of the most powerful microscopes made today and when it is used to examine the blood of stage four cancer patients, fungal mycelium can be clearly seen throughout the blood sample. They have even commenced using it as a ‘predictive’ meth- od for cancer because they have found that fungal mycelium will show up in blood prior to an actual physical tumor. FDA warns public on peanuts bearing cancer causing fungusBy: Tina G. Santos - Reporter / @santostinaINQ Philippine Daily Inquirer / 07:51 PM January 23, 2014 photo from MANILA, Philippines — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned the public against peanut products, including those sold by ambulant and street vendors, after receiving reports about those found to be laden with cancer-causing fungal contaminant. In an advisory, FDA acting director general Kenneth Hartigan Go said they have tested some pre-packed peanuts positive for Aflatoxin B1, a by-product of molds. Aflatoxin B1 is said to be one of the most naturally occurring carcinogenic mycotoxins produced by certain species of fungi. “The FDA laboratory has tested several pre-packaged peanuts, both imported and locally manufactured, that contained levels of Aflatoxin B1 beyond the acceptable limit of 20 ppb (ug/kg),” Go said. Go said the peanuts (adobo or nilaga) sold by ambulant and street vendors, could contain aflatoxin beyond the allowable limits. According to him, aflatoxin (Aspergillus flavus) is also known as “anti-nutritional” or “anti-nutrient” toxin. “Aflatoxin binds proteins, vitamins, and minerals so that the body cannot absorb the nutrients. In children, aflatoxin can stunt growth and can lead to kwashiorkor, a debilitating disease of nutritional deficiency in children. If ingested over a prolonged period of time in large doses, the poison can also inhibit the immune system,” Go said. He added that the mutations of cell DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) due to prolonged exposure to aflatoxin would increase the risk of developing cancer cells. Peanuts are agricultural crops that are dried after harvesting. If not properly dried, molds can grow on the raw peanuts easily, causing them to rot. As the molds feed on the grain, they produce waste products known as mycotoxins. The FDA did not disclose the brands of the pre-packed peanuts that they found laden with aflatoxin, as of Thursday, saying that an investigation on the possible source of the contamination has been ongoing. Go said that as of Thursday, they were still in the process of probing on whether the contamination occurred in the pre-packing process or from raw ingredients. “Although aflatoxin makes peanuts taste bitter, some unscrupulous food processors or peanut vendors simply mix these bad peanuts with the good ones rather than throw them out,” he said, stressing that mixing contaminated ingredients with unadulterated ones has been prohibited by the FDA Act of 2009, and the Consumer Act of the Philippines. Read more: This paper comprises SOME evidence and it is only evidence, not the last word. The last word belongs you, each individual.
AuthorAfter high school I spent three years in the army, one of which was in Viet Nam. I found it to be a beautiful place with beautiful people and met my first Buddhist Monks there. I used to visit them frequently. This does not minimize the service of many others who had a MUCH harder time than I, too many of them losing their lives. Archives |
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